Okay, almost everything is in. I'm waiting on Life of Fred Fractions and I'm hoping for The Elements: Ingredients of the Universe within the next week or two but everything else is ready.
Catherine - Summer/Fall:
Primary Math 5A (Quite a search to find a place that still sells the non-US version)
Brain Maths Volume 1
Life of Fred Fractions
Daily drills
Occasional read alouds and exercises from The Historical Roots of Elementary Mathematics.
Winston Grammar
Everyday Editing (my resource!)
Classical Writing Aesop (This may be used less then the next resource)
Suggestions for Simple Writing Exercises for the Grammar Stage
Lots of Reading
The Elements: Ingredients of the Universe
Big read aloud - Oxygen: The Molecule That Made the World
BBC Trials of Life videos
History and such
Big read aloud - The Arctic Grail
The Geography Coloring Book
Arts and Crafts
Handsewing a pillow, Nintendo DS case and learning to knit.
Music Ace Deluxe
Philosophy for Kids
Math-U-See Foundations and Tonka Phonics. Most of his other stuff will be tweaked from what Catherine is doing.
It sounds like a heap of stuff but most of it will be pretty informal. The videos we'll watch on Friday nights with pizza ad popcorn and the read alouds will probably happen as the kids play Hot Wheels and Pokemon. I did build an actual form-filled binder for homeschooling schedules and keeping track of resources (pictures another time) but I suspect that will be more a spine and aid to consistency rather then some slavishly followed program. I hope anyway. I still want to balance the work stuff with some unschooling principles.
We'll see.
That video series sounds pretty cool! :-)
I was checking out your art program - I've been trying to decide if I should use some type of actual program with Cindy or not... she's naturally artistic (much more so than I am) but I might put something in place.... The GeeArt won't work for us though as she'd lose interest in watching it on a computer, I suspect....
I still want to balance the work stuff with some unschooling principles
From the wee bit of nosing around that I've done, I know there's some hardcore unschoolers out there who'd toss you from the truck. :-P
I think what you're doing is fantastic - you're working with your kids' interests & abilities, balancing their education in the way that works best for YOUR family. :-)
The Geeart lessons aren't that long and there's actually a lot of interaction and activity. They do have a sample lesson she could try.
Regardless, they are now selling software which is roughly the same. I think I'll pick that up for this year rather then buy another sobscription.
All I've figured out is that I'm buying Garfield Typing Pal, LOL.
Geeze I'm tired of getting screwed on shipping because we're in Canada... over $20 to ship that art software here. With UPS. They'd probably add their stupid brokerage fees too.
Wow, I'm impressed. This sounds like fun.
"From the wee bit of nosing around that I've done, I know there's some hardcore unschoolers out there who'd toss you from the truck. :-P"
I know! I used to be one of those which is why me worrying about unschooling seems to be a constant theme. :D I realize that what really works is the Catherine and Mom method but I still have, and probably always will, my insecurities about followin some proper method.
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