Thursday, June 12, 2008


I was shopping this week. Tuesday was a trip to the local thrift store where I found that the hundreds of books they once had were almost all gone. Apparently they felt they just had to much (which they did) and so invited some used book buyer down to clear out most of what they had. All that was left was a half dozen shelves and they're apparently going to keep it that way.

At first I was disappointed. Now there was very little stock to peruse. Then I realized, hey. there's very little stock to peruse! What used to take me an hour and cause a bit of anxiety because I knew there was a treasure at the bottom of that pile in the corner that I couldn't get to now takes 10 minutes and I can see every single book they have. I spent more there Tuesday then I ever had before and got some great stuff.

The best buys?

The Young Engineers Book of Supertrains.

This is a fantastic book filled with great text and colorful illustrations. It has everything from cutaway views to information on different types of trains to experiments you can try with your young train nut to strange and record-breaking trains. The only problem? Try to find it. True to form I found a wonderful book that seems to be out of print and not widely available. Google turned up some places like EBay where it could be found but you may have your work cut out for you.

The Nature of Florida's Waterways/The Nature of Florida's Neighborhoods:

I think these must have been bought by a Snowbird, a Canadian retiree who winters in Florida but I'm not sure. The books are filled with pen and ink illustrations of Florida wildlife and interesting text that describes a bit about them. Catherine has been keeping them by her bed. First to look at the pictures and then to hunt down little people the author/illustrator has inserted into many of her drawings:

I think she plans to read them next. I'm really glad I got these, plan to get more of the series and really wish there was something similar for local wildlife. Highly recommended.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, great finds. I am going to have to see what I can find around here. I really miss the multitude of Thrift Stores, Frenchy's etc from HRM.