Monday, April 21, 2008

Have any Left-Brained Epiphanies to Share?

Out in Left Field wants to know about any right-brainers out there who've had left-brained epiphanies. This was brought on by frustration with Hollywood's obsession with just the opposite:

Two movies released this week feature introverted, soul-deadened, betweeded professors who are as academically eggheaded, i.e., as left-brained, as they are clueless about all that right-brained stuff: human relationships and spirituality...In the stories we like best, it always seems to be a right-brained epiphany.

I shared a little of my story of my left-brained epiphany. How I've lately discovered the joys of rational and systematic thought and the fun of mathematics. Now OILF wants more stories so if you're a right-brainer who has at some point woken up to the wonder of things more generally associated with left-brain thinking please pop over and leave a comment!

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