Monday, December 1, 2008

Advent 2008, Day 1

Ground Rules:

-I'll have some old stuff from last year that I love and some new stuff that I've found this year.
-This will be sort-of secular in nature meaning I'll feel no compulsion to include religious stuff but if I find some nifty stuff that tickles my fancy and happens to have something to do with the baby Jesus or wandering wise men, I'll be sticking it in.

On to the goodies.

Here's a little video some clever person did of a Christmas Tom and Jerry tale with her cat and mouse. Catherine loved it and Harry likes to watch it over and over again while giggling like a madman.

We started decorating today and one site which would be a really big help and a lot of fun if we happened to have a colour printer is Origami Christmas. Some of the decorations are ridiculously cute and would make great ornaments for the tree or a nice garland.


molytail said...

Cat & rat *grin* ....I only watched the first 2 min and then stopped it because I want to watch it with Cindy when she gets up....but that rat looks like my old rat Merlin - they`re such awesome pets!

molytail said...

she just watched it with me - and loved it! :-D